In emails and reviews, I keep seeing variations of this theme from readers about Jane, the book nerd heroine of…
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RISKING IT Cover Reveal + Giveaway
*drops dead in a faint* Isn’t this cover gorgeous? Here’s the crew that made it happen:
Continue ReadingEARNING IT is out!
Yay!! I’m so excited to be sharing this story with you! I loved writing this couple (I know I say…
Continue ReadingEARNING IT is Available for Pre-Order!
EARNING IT is available for pre-order! It’s been over a year since I first wrote Luke and Pepper’s story, and it…
Continue ReadingMUST LOVE MORE KILTS Available for Pre-Order!
It’s been over a year since I left y’all hanging with why in the world Fiona kicked Duncan out of…
Continue ReadingCover reveal for MUST LOVE CHAINMAIL
Squee! I’m pretty dang excited about this cover! Like my other covers, it was designed by the fabulous Kim…
Continue ReadingRelease Day for STEAM ME UP, RAWLEY + Giveaway!
Note: Stay tuned to the end for a giveaway! To all outward appearances today, as I put out my second…
Continue ReadingMUST LOVE BREECHES Released Today!
and…. about sum it up for me right now! It’s available on all major outlets, including outside the US. More…
Continue ReadingMUST LOVE BREECHES Due Out Sep 3, Avail Now for Pre-Order
If you’re friends with me on Facebook, then you probably already saw this, but I thought I should announce it…
Continue ReadingI’ve gone Primal! Documenting my new Paleo/Primal Lifestyle
I’m keeping this blog purely as my writer’s blog, but I thought I’d do a post to share what’s going…
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