Author Appearances

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Booksigning at Emory Barnes & Noble, September 2014

In the Press

Library Journal - February 9, 2016
Q&A: Angela Quarles| SELF-e
"Here the author discusses the story’s unique setting, her choice to self-publish, and personal sf favorites."

Lagniappe - April 15, 2015
The surreal world of steampunk Mobile
"Mobile author Angela Quarles has combined all her loves and legacies into a singular pursuit. The result has been success."

USAToday - October 10, 2014
A Love and Lust rec: 'Must Love Breeches' by Angela Quarles
"Historical romance meets sci-fi time travel, and what a fun intersection of genres it is! ... It's a delicious twist on historical drama and romance, and let me assure you, there is plenty of romance and sex."

Mod Mobilian - September 4, 2014
Must Love Breeches: The Debut Novel by Mobile’s Angela Quarles
"Quarles’ breezy, humor-filled writing style perfectly showcases her irreverent heroine caught all among the corsets and carriages."

Quick Bite News

October 2017 - MUST LOVE KILTS won the RONE Award for Time Travel

July 2017 - MUST LOVE KILTS won FF&P's PRISM Award in the Best of the Best and the Fantasy categories

July, 2016 - MUST LOVE CHAINMAIL won the Romance Writer's of America's RITA in the paranormal category

11/12/15 - STEAM ME UP, RAWLEY named Best Self-Published Romance of 2015 by Library Journal

11/4/15 - MUST LOVE BREECHES made #149 in the top 150 USA Today bestsellers for that week!

7/12/15 - MUST LOVE CHAINMAIL released in ebook and print formats

1/14/15 - STEAM ME UP, RAWLEY released in ebook and print formats

10/11/14 - STEAM ME UP, RAWLEY won 1st place in the paranormal category in the Unpublished Maggies

9/3/14 - MUST LOVE BREECHES released in ebook and print formats worldwide

8/5/14 - STEAM ME UP, RAWLEY finaled in the Paranormal category, 2014 Georgia RWA Maggie contest

6/23/14 - STEAM ME UP, RAWLEY finaled in the New Adult category, 2014 FF&P's On the Far Side contest

5/27/14 - STEAM ME UP, RAWLEY finaled in the paranormal category in Virginia's Fool for Love contest

12/26/2012 - MUST LOVE BREECHES wins first place in the fantasy/futuristic category in the SpacecoasT Authors of Romance Launching a STAR contest

12/21/2012 - MUST LOVE BREECHES wins second place in the paranormal category in the Valley of the Sun's Hot Prospects contest

12/12/2012 - MUST LOVE BREECHES is the overall winner across all categories in Windy City RWA Four Seasons contest

11/8/2012 - MUST LOVE BREECHES finaled in Florida SpaceCoasT Authors of Romance contest in the Fantasy/Futuristic category

10/28/2012 - MUST LOVE BREECHES finaled in Valley of the Sun's Hot Prospects contest in the paranormal category

10/27/2012 - MUST LOVE BREECHES won first place in Seattle's Eco contest, paranormal category

10/20/2012 - MUST LOVE BREECHES finaled in the Windy City RWA contest in the paranormal category

10/18/2012 - MUST LOVE BREECHES won 1st place in FF&P's On The Far Side contest

10/4/2012 - Signed with agent Maura Kye-Casella at Don Congdon, Associates!

9/27/2012 - STEAM ME UP, RAWLEY finaled in the Golden Pen contest, paranormal category

9/14/2012 - MUST LOVE BREECHES finaled in Heart of Denver's Molly contest in the paranormal category

9/5/2012 - MUST LOVE BREECHES finaled in FF&P's On the Far Side Contest in the Time Travel/Steampunk/Historical category

8/25/2012 - MUST LOVE BREECHES finaled in Utah's Heart of the West in the paranormal category

8/4/2012 - MUST LOVE BREECHES finaled in both the Greater Seattle ECO contest and the Georgia RWA Maggie contest, in the paranormal category!

7/11/2012 - Contracted with Secret Cravings Publishing for BEER AND GROPING IN LAS VEGAS, scheduled for release in January 2013

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