I published this post originally back in the fall of 2011 and as I sit here completely blank on what…
Continue ReadingTag: revising
Dealing with Critiques and Reviews – the 40-20-40 Rule
One of my earliest blog posts was about dealing with critiques and I shared what I called the 30-40-30 rule…
Continue ReadingReady to Query? The Importance of Patience
I had a fellow writer friend ask my advice about the right time to submit to agents. She had everything…
Continue ReadingRevision of Ending Complete, Or, be thankful for pushers
Photo by Rae Grimm (bloodylery) After much gnashing of teeth and hair pulling and Funyun consumption, I finally strapped myself…
Continue ReadingDealing with Critiques – the 30-40-30 Rule
As a writer, at some point you will reach the stage where you will need to have others critique your…
Continue ReadingWhy I’m Happy My Mom Hates the Ending…
So, my mom is not your typical your-work-is-wonderful-dear kind of reader, which I’m happy about. I made the mistake of…
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