Cover reveal for MUST LOVE CHAINMAIL



Squee! I’m pretty dang excited about this cover! Like my other covers, it was designed by the fabulous Kim Killion at!

It was a challenge finding a couple who had that fun/flirty feel of the cover of MUST LOVE BREECHES who had chainmail. There’s just not a lot of romance stock photographers draping dudes in chainmail (which is a shame). I found this one at Kim changed his tunic and her hair color for me. 🙂

But when’s it due out, you ask?

Great news on this front… I’d originally been thinking mid-September, but as the editing pieces started falling into place, I grew hopeful I could launch shortly before Labor Day. That had been my assumption for months now until this past week, when my line editor finished three weeks ahead of schedule! Before, the national Romance Writers of America (RWA) convention was falling right in the middle of production, but now it isn’t, and it’s conceivable that I could have it out by mid to late July. I’m also not doing a pre-order this time around and will be offering it for 99 cents right before launch to reward my followers here and on other platforms. Right after launch, it will go to $4.99. If you’d like to make sure you don’t miss this Friends and Followers price notification, be sure to join my mailing list!

If you’d like to add it to your Goodreads pile, click here.

I’ll be sharing excerpts soon, so stay tuned.

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