Monday Hunk Who Reads – Don Cheadle

By Made In Hollywood from Hollywood, CA, United States (Don Cheadle at his Brooklyn's Finest Interview) [CC-BY-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
By Made In Hollywood from Hollywood, CA, United States (Don Cheadle at his Brooklyn’s Finest Interview) [CC-BY-2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Don Cheadle

Ecorazzi, reporters of good gossip, confirm that critically-acclaimed US actor Don Cheadle loves books, for he’s joined the Book People Unite campaign:

Don Cheadle wants kids to read and he is helping kids do just that by joining with Reading Is Fundamental’s latest campaign “Book People Unite.” A recent tweet from @IamDonCheadle reads: “Fact: only 1 book for every 300 kids living in poverty. Watch RIF’s PSA & help get books to kids. @RIFWeb.”

So what does he like to read? Oprah profiled him in her column “Books That Made A Difference” and for him it is: DBC Pierre’s Vernon God Little, Rusty Young and Thomas McFadden’s Marching Powder: A True Story of Friendship, Cocaine, and South America’s Strangest Jail, Chester Himes’ If He Hollers Let Him GoMiles: The Autobiography, Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner. Here’s what he said about Vernon God Little:

This book, about a boy named Vernon who’s accused of being involved in a Columbine-style massacre at his school, is completely unexpected. Vernon is extremely foulmouthed but in a really delightful way. You may come to different conclusions about what he should do next—running away to Mexico seems like a bad idea—but Pierre has created such a vivid and expressive voice for Vernon that you feel the injustices he suffers acutely and you begin to understand his skewed outlook and the choices he makes.

And about The Kite Runner:

I know this novel was a book-club darling, but I heard about it from a friend who was going to produce it as a film…There are moments in this book where I gasped—scenes of brutality and surprise that just chilled me.

He’s also the co-author of co-author of Not on Our Watch: The Mission to End Genocide in Darfur and Beyond

Follow him on Twitter….

Reading is sexy people!

So that’s this month’s Hunk Who Reads. If you like these articles, please comment. They’re fun to write, but are time-consuming 🙂 — on that note, if you run across any photos of hunks reading, please let me know. If you know of an intellectual hunk you’d like to see profiled, let me know that too.Reading is sexy people!

For further opportunities to idolize men and books:

Do you have any photos of male celebrities reading?

Come back on the first Mondays of each month to see the next Hunk Who Reads…

Past Hunks Who Read/Related Articles:

*previous Ovaries Exploding Award winner

13 Replies to “Monday Hunk Who Reads – Don Cheadle”

  1. That’s really funny that Cheadle is involved in Reading is Fundamental now. One of my favorite movies is “Out of Sight,” based on the Elmore Leonard book. Cheadle plays a convict who makes fun of the “Reading is Fundamental” campaign in a scene in the prison library. I guess he’s come full circle now!

  2. These are great posts! I love this 🙂 Thank you for working so hard to collect all this information for us. And reading is sexy! 🙂

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