![John Cusack [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons](https://angelaquarles.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/john_cusack_headshot.jpg)
It’s the first Monday of the month and I’m also back to my regular blogging schedule, so what does that mean? It means a new hunk who loves books!
Darling of romcoms, there’s more to Cusack than the aw-shucks looks. Take a look at what books he likes! Oprah interviewed him for her feature Books That Made a Difference, and here’s what she found out:
Hunter S. Thompson’s Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail ’72 made the list. Here’s what he says:
His mixture of artistic sensibilities with journalistic excellence, all to find the core of truth—I thought that was pretty incredible. Mostly, I admired the ferocity of Hunter’s mind.
And living in Alabama as I do, I can’t fault him at all for having To Kill a Mockingbird on the list. Also making the cut were Bob Dylan’s Chronicles: Volume One
, The Great Thoughts, From Abelard to Zola, from Ancient Greece to Contemporary America, the Ideas that have Shaped the History of the World
, Naomi Klein’s The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism
, J.D. Salinger’s Franny and Zooey
, Henry Miller’s Tropic of Cancer
, and Modris Eksteins’ Rites of Spring: The Great War and the Birth of the Modern Age
. The latter he said:
It’s probably got as much insight and wizardry as any book I’ve ever come across. If you read nothing else, read chapter ten, ‘Spring Without End.
Here he is at last year’s LA Times Festival of Books. He was there promoting The Raven, but went on to mention books he’s reading:
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlY06hqxAcE]
In which he mentions his two recent faves are Nick Tosches’ In the Hand of Dante and Mark Layner’s The Sugar Frosted Nutsack
. Wow, what a title that last one is! He also mentions having read another Eksteins book Walking Since Daybreak : A Story of Eastern Europe, World War II, and the Heart of Our Century
So that’s this month’s Hunk Who Reads. Reading is sexy people!
For further opportunities to idolize men and books:
The American Library Association – Celebrity READ posters.
Do you have any photos of male celebrities reading?
Come back next month to see the next Hunk Who Reads…
Past Hunks Who Read/Related Articles:
- Monday Hunk Who Reads – Dan Stevens*
- Monday Hunk Who Reads – Nathan Fillion
- Monday Hunk Who Reads – Marlon Brando
- Monday Hunk Who Reads – George Clooney
- Monday Hunk Who Reads – Billy Crudup
- Monday Hunk Who Reads – Colin Firth
- Monday Hunk Who Reads – Keanu Reeves
- Monday Hunk Who Reads – Johnny Depp*
- Monday Hunk Who Reads – Don Cheadle
- Monday Hunk Who Reads – Joe Manganiello
- Monday Hunk Who Reads – Joseph Gordon-Levitt
*previous Ovaries Exploding Award winner
Very cool. I tweeted.
He is definitely a hottie! I love these hunks who read posts!