Monday Hunk Who Reads is back! I took longer off than I’d planned, but it was a very productive break. Thought I’d kick off by going retro this morning!
Couldn’t find much, but here’s what I did find… In his autobiography, Brando: Songs My Mother Taught Me, he said:
I had to read Wuthering Heights for English and I never enjoyed a book in all my life as much as that one.
According to this article, he loved to read philosophy and could sit around discussing it for hours
Apparently a lot has been said about Brando showing up corpulent for his role in Apocalypse Now and many wonder if he read Conrad’s Heart of Darkness (book the movie was based on) at all. This book writer at The Guardian, has a different take on it.
According to imdb.com, his assistant Marchak pestered him to read Puzo’s bestseller The Godfather, wanting him to make a bid for the role. At one point he threw the book at her, saying, “For the last time, I won’t glorify the Mafia!” But then he kept coming to her with different moustaches, asking her how they looked. Obviously, he changed his mind 🙂
Here’s another pic of him reading…
(h/t to Carrie Cox for the idea and one of the photos!)
So that’s this week’s Hunk Who Reads. If you like these articles, please comment. They’re fun to write, but are time-consuming 🙂 — on that note, if you run across any photos of hunks reading, please let me know. If you know of an intellectual hunk you’d like to see profiled, let me know that too.
For further opportunities to idolize men and books:
The 2012 Men of the Stacks calendar. It’s a calendar of sexy male librarians!
The American Library Association – Celebrity READ posters. Rathbone’s poster
Reading is sexy people!
Do you have any photos of male celebrities reading?
Come back next Monday to see the next Hunk Who Reads…
Past Hunks Who Read/Related Articles:
*previous Ovaries Exploding Award winner
Oh, goodness. I ADORE young Brando. Really, I don’t think there ever has been or ever will be anyone sexier. He’s the reason I have such a hard time disliking Stanley in “Streetcar.” I could go on and on …
I stumbled on your blog while generally digressing from doing unpleasant tasks….and I love it…love your blog… love your writing and I cannot wait to read “MUST LOVE BREECHES’…..I too am a geek who also happens to be a devoted Austenian ….and nothing and no can match up to Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy 😉
Maybe it’s becasue I remember him that I don’t love him that much.
I had a huge crush on Marlon Brando when I was a little girl. Then one day I saw him years later and he was obese and I was like WTF??! Dang he was hot when he was young.
He did indeed used to be a hunk.
Brando was the best. HIs sex appeal at his prime was unmatchable, irresistible and magnetic. But, we should not miss the point. His real impact was his acting genius, which has affected American cinema and acting. In close study, he was also really a genuine person with a heart of a gold who was misunderstood. He was the victim of his fame which attracted a lot of gossips, jealousies, and lies targeted at him. RIP, the great Marlon Brando.