Six Sentence Sunday – 10/14/12

I’m back after almost a month! I missed y’all!

NEWS: I landed an agent! I actually had three offers! I want to thank all of you who have regularly commented since I started doing #sixsunday almost a year ago. Your support kept me thinking positive even when I faced rejections! Some of you even helped Beta! THANK YOU! This doesn’t necessarily mean a publisher will buy it, but I’m one step closer….

Today’s Six Sunday is from STEAM ME UP, RAWLEY, my steampunk romance set in Mobile, AL. I’m skipping to the next day and we’re finally in Rawley’s POV. He’s outside standing in the rain after calming an agitated horse and our heroine arrives, breathless (It’s been a while, but here’s a link to an earlier SSS entry where Rawley gave the heroine a scandalous peek at his neck when they first met the previous day, so as to put his reflections about his disheveled state in perspective):

Her hat, a frivolous contraption, sat at a jaunty angle on her head. His fingers itched to push it up to sit properly. Over all, she held a large yellow umbrella, protecting her from the blasted rain. He shoved fingers through his wet hair, inwardly cursing to find himself again in a disheveled state before her. The same unsettling feeling as yesterday overtook him, as if his body couldn’t determine if it was about to step off a cliff or fall into a luxuriant, buoyant cloud.

She stepped close, admitting him to her protected space.

As always I welcome constructive feedback.

To see snippets from others who are participating or to sign up yourself, visit here.

Thank you to everyone who comes by and comments each week! 

39 Replies to “Six Sentence Sunday – 10/14/12”

  1. Congrats again on the agent coup, and glad you’re back to Six Sunday! Love how Rawley seems much too concerned with appearances since I have the feeling all that is going to change and he won’t be able to do a thing about it! 😉

  2. I hope I sent you back and congratulatory email. It was my intention. If not, congratulations! I’m not surprised in the least that BREECHES has ben picked up. It was a wonderful read. Can’t wait to see it in print! As for your six, I love the mood and reserved nature that threads throughout these. Somehow that restraint makes these all the more alluring.

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