Song playing right now on my playlist: “I Shall Believe,” by Sheryl Crow
Writing and the Writing Life:
- For those short story writers, the deadline for the Tennessee Wiliams/NOLA Fiction contest is approaching
- Agent @carlywatters tweeted recently: “Looking 4 upmarket, stand alone thriller/mystery like The Little Stranger, Gone Girl, The Betrayal. Contemp or historical”
- Agent @KL_Grady recently tweeted: “Also, if there are any authors who have written non-paranormal romances with Wiccan protag(s), please to query me.”
- If I get published, will you share a booth with me? how not to be awkward at book festivals, part 1: the awkward book booth
- If you haven’t found representation, I highly recommend Miss Snark’s First Victim’s Baker’s Dozen Agent Auction coming up SOON. Look at this line up of agents who could bid on your project! I’ve been following her blog for a while and constantly see success stories coming out of this annual event. Here’s the dates and guidelines.
- Jami Gold also had a post this week on prepping for NaNo
Romance Writers:
- Ode to the sexy forearm! There’s even a tumblr page!
In Geekdom:
- And I’ll leave you with this KLINGON STYLE (Star Trek Parody of PSY – GANGNAM STYLE) – h/t: @geekgirldiva — they’re even singing it in Klingon (turn on subtitles)![youtube]
Klingon Gangnam is hilarious. I didn’t appreciate the humor of the Gangnam style (which my hubby is constantly trying to indoctrinate me into) but the Star Trek twist showed me the light. 🙂
LOL, glad you saw the light! 😉
I’ve managed to avoid all the Gangnam Style…er, whatever it is, but I couldn’t resist this one. LOL! And thanks for linking to my post!
Oh, and it should go without saying, Roomie, but I’ll say it anyway… 🙂 I’ll share a book festival booth with you anytime–just as soon as I get published. LOL!
Angela, great links. So, how does it feel to be agented. For me it was like weight being lifted off my shoulders, but also like a part of my job was missing. No more querying.
Loved the article about how not to be awkward at book festivals!
We can be booth partners!