The obligatory linkage to the latest with BEER AND GROPING IN LAS VEGAS:
First up a review was posted today on Delighted Reader, with an A Rating. Here’s a snippet:
This was a fun quick read involving a quirky romance that was set up by a djinn. Short stories and novellas can make me leery of wanting to give them a try because not everyone who writes one understands just how to achieve a good balance of plot, pacing and character development to fit into the page count they have. Fortunately, this author did a great job so I ended up with an enjoyable reading experience that had me reading with a smile on my face and an ‘ah’ of satisfaction coming from my lips by the end….So, I can heartily recommend this one to those who enjoy a quirky magical contemporary Happy For Now with promise of the future romance with not a lot of time to read. – Sophia Rose, Delighted Reader
And then I visited Tara Kingston’s blog with an interview about a guilty pleasure and a little about what I’m working on right now…
Congrats! I’m heading to Amazon to pick it up for my Kindle. It sounds like such a fun read!
Thanks Kitt!
As a geek married to a geek, I ran over to Amazon and bought it for my MacBook’s Kindle. Husband walked up behind me and grumbled, “shoulda been Guinness in Dublin, but the groping works….” -I told him that somewhere in his comment were several reasons why Irish men were gamers and not lovers. He told me that he was both and kissed me on the top of my head, which only proved my point -since the microphone attached to his headphone just missed poking me in the eye! It’s cold, gray and rainy, I am looking forward to the read today.
LOL, this gave me a chuckle (in a good way), I could totally picture the scene! I hope BEER cheers up your day! It’s cold, gray, and rainy here too 🙁 Tell your husband I enjoy a well-poured Guinness but have yet to have one Ireland, much less Dublin, so if he’ll forgive me for the oversight?
He is yet to have one too! I think he dreams of salivating on a barstool as his perfect Guinness is slowly drawn. I did get him a bottle of Midleton Irish whiskey for Christmas. Alas, it came with a ticket to the distillery and an opportunity to sign the book of owners… sigh! Looks like my first trip across the Atlantic will be to a distillery! So, much for dreams of a Latté Bowl of Coffee in Paris or an expresso in Tuscany… (coffee is my sin!)
LOL, there’s worse things than going to a distillery 🙂 For a while I was dating Irishmen (I used to play Gaelic football) and it was funny because every year at Christmas my American (non-Irish) friends would give me Irish whiskey for Christmas. I loved it!
I have to admit, it is very smooth… lol Thanks for the smiles today!
You’re welcome 😉 And I hope BEER gives you some more smiles 🙂
Congrats on all your buzz . . . it’s sitting on my Kindle and can’t wait to read it!