Weekend Grab Bag – From Writing Tips to Darth Vader’s Love Life

It’s getting colder down here in Mobile, brrr! Here’s my roundup of of blog posts I found helpful this week, plus my geeky obsessions that I came across. Enjoy!


Ada Lovelace:


  • Where was this six months ago? As noted in my recent post Tomato, Tomahto, I’d created a Austen thesaurus when editing my hero. Now there’s a handy one online! Just type in a word and presto! Write Like Austen


In Geekdom:

  • George Takei posted this on his facebook page last night, giving me a good snort/groan:

Have a great weekend folks! Stay warm and safe!

7 Replies to “Weekend Grab Bag – From Writing Tips to Darth Vader’s Love Life”

  1. I’m with Jami, that Vader pic is fantastic, as are the firefly undies. p.s. If you’re an “undies” fan, you would wallow in my Undie Chronicles.

    So, (a) THANK YOU for the blog love – I’m glad you enjoyed the post. And (b) What a fantastic title to be sharing my paragraph with. I’ve got to go check that out. I have romantic elements, and evidently there are five things I need to know about the va-jj!

  2. Really great posts here – I’m so flattered you included mine, mostly because it helped me find your awesome blog! I’ll have to start following you – so many things here appeal to me. 🙂

  3. Okay, I love the Darth Vader pic. Did you see the one someone posted of him and Luke Skywalker that was captioned, “Take your son to work day”? I almost fell out of my chair…

    Thanks for the shout-out, Angela. Totally made my day. 🙂 The other posts look really interesting. I will have to check them out later today.

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