Isabelle Rochon is an American museum curator working for the British Museum. When she finds a mysterious silver card-case, she thinks it a perfect accessory for a reenactment ball. But what she thought would be an exciting lark, fulfilling her desire to “live a little history”, becomes more than she bargained for when she realizes that the attendees are a little too realistic: she is truly in 1834 London, England. There she meets Lord Montagu, who’s so hot he curls her toes. A thief steals her silver case, stranding a feisty, modern American in a stiffly polite London on the verge of the Victorian age. She finds it hard to resist her growing attraction for Lord Montagu, known even to his relatives as the Vicious Viscount.
Can their love overcome the biggest barrier of all – time? And what difference will a working model of the Difference Engine make to the next two centuries?
I’m currently on the third draft and hoping to have that wrapped up soon so I can have some folks I trust read it through and help find all the slips in logic, continuity errors, bad grammar, uneven pacing, bad plot decisions, the usual stuff. Meanwhile, I will post soon some lessons I’ve learned this summer while revising this, plus excerpts from this working draft.
What are some of your favorite time travel books?