Weekend Writing Warriors – STEAM ME UP, RAWLEY – An energetic kiss

wewriwa_square_2Back from a long absence. I keep meaning to be regular about this, but, well. It just hasn’t happened 🙁

Those warriors who know the drill, my excerpt is below. For newbies, this post is part of a weekly blog hop where participants share eight sentences from their work. It’s a lot of fun and a great way to find new authors, so be sure to visit the link to the other Weekend Writing Warriors.

Today, I’m going to share with you the first kiss between the H/h in my steampunk romance STEAM ME UP, RAWLEY, which released this past Wednesday *throws confetti*. Also, today (Sunday) is the last day to get it at it’s release week price of 99 cents!

And he couldn’t help it–he cupped her face, pushed her against the wall, and crushed her mouth with his. Heat speared through him, tightening his loins. Just one taste of that fire, that energy. He had to feel that energy, experience that energy. He had to know that energy. What made her unsuitable also made her so delectable. Just. One. Taste.

Poor guy has no idea what he’s in for… To read more excerpts, visit Weekend Writing Warriors!



Jack the Ripper might be in town. But is marriage more terrifying?

In an alternate Deep South in 1890, society reporter Adele de la Pointe wants to make her own way in the world, despite her family’s pressure to become a society wife. Hoping to ruin herself as a matrimonial prospect, she seizes the opportunity to cover the recent Jack the Ripper-style murders for the newspaper, but her father’s dashing new intern suggests a more terrifying headline—marriage.

Dr. Phillip Rawley’s most daring exploit has been arriving at his new home in America in a hot air balloon. A tolerable sacrifice, if it means he can secure the hand of his new employer’s daughter in a marriage of convenience. But Adele works, she’s spirited, and she has an armored pet monkey running her errands. Not only does she not match his notions of a proper lady, she stirs up feelings he’d rather keep in tight control.

With Adele hunting down a headline and Dr. Rawley trying to protect and pursue her, a serial killer is spreading panic throughout Mobile, Alabama. Can Adele and Rawley find the murderer, face their fears, and discover true love?


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10 Replies to “Weekend Writing Warriors – STEAM ME UP, RAWLEY – An energetic kiss”

  1. Whew, Angela! Very, very nice! (fans self)

    (I keep wanting to congratulate you on the success of Must Love Breeches—it deserves All Good Things!)

  2. Congrats on the release! Something tells me this kiss, this taste, may be something Rawley never recovers from, like the tip of a tongue on a live wire.

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