I honestly didn’t mean to start an angel phase. It all started with Cynthia Eden. Next month on Paranormal Unbound, we’re going to highlight the paranormal authors who were nominated for the RITA, and since Ms. Eden is an RWA chapter-mate, and I’ve been wanting to read her series anyway, I waved my hand enthusiastically to feature her. And since I can’t start a series in the middle, I picked up Book 1 (Angel of Darkness
) and 2, as well as the nominated-3.
And I enjoyed all three! Great world-building, great pacing, great writing, and loved the characters. I won’t go into it much more here and save it for next month on Paranormal Unbound.
And it was due to that blog that I picked up the other two authors. I’d been wanting to read JR Ward and as noted in an earlier post, got completely obsessed with the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. So when I saw one of her books for a different series at a library sale, I snagged it without reading what it was about. And because I’m an obsessive series reader, and the one I got was not the first, I filled out the series at used bookstores and online. Nalini Singh was also recommended by commenters on Paranormal Unbound, specifically the Guild Hunter series, so I snagged some at said library sale, and rounded it out in the same manner as the other Ward series.
Since I snagged a bunch of other books at that sale, I wasn’t paying particular attention to titles or blurbs, and happily added them all to my To Be Read Hill. So I picked up the first of Singh’s recently, having finished Eden’s series, and finally, you know, looked at the friggin’ title, and lo, it’s Angels’ Blood
. And wow, folks weren’t lying about how great the writing is. Very fresh voice and unique world-building. I was immediately sucked in, and it didn’t hurt that Raphael was one hunk of an archangel.
I’m currently enjoying a 3-day beach vacation with family and so when I packed Saturday, I headed to my Hill, and grabbed the rest of the Singh’s and all the Wards (in case I finished Singh’s, LOL) and have been having a wonderful and relaxing stay, reading on the beach, reading by the pool, reading on one of they many screened in porches on the beach house. Yesterday I finished Angel’s Blood by the pool, and said to my cousin, “One book down, grabbing another!” I went to my pile only to discover I hadn’t successfully filled out my series and didn’t have Book 2. So thankfully I’d overpacked books (which is always wise to do on a vacation or trip) and grabbed the first one of Ward’s other series (Covet)
and scampered back to the pool. And imagine my surprise when I saw it was about, yep, angels–in this case fallen angels, like Eden’s.
So I guess I’m on an angel kick!
And enjoying the ride…
What about you? Do you find yourself, either accidentally or planned, reading about one paranormal creature for a while? Do you find angels yummy too?