Continuing with the promotion of the release of my erotic romantic comedy, BEER AND GROPING IN LAS VEGAS, here’s the latest reviews and interviews:
- Penelope’s Romance Reviews posted a review today, complete with a beer pairing! Can I tell you how much that tickled me??
- Today, author Sam Crescent is hosting me with an interview, with questions about my writing journey. Stop by and say howdy!
- Yesterday, Cheryl hosted me on her blog, The Poisoned Rose, with an interview asking if any parts of BEER are based on real life experiences, and which superpower I’d choose.
Thank you for your support!
In looking at my Amazon ranking, I think sales are good. I won’t know until I get a report from the publisher mid-month. But if you bought a copy, thank you! Your support means so much to me! I can’t tell you how overwhelming your support has been to me, I really appreciate it!
Spare some likes and tags?
Due to the way Amazon ranking works when doing searches, if you have a spare moment, I could totally use some Likes & Tags. What does that mean? ‘Likes’ are a small button right under the title page. Tags are located near the bottom of the page and you are allowed to agree with up to 15 tags that are there (or add your own). Believe it or not, when readers search based on tags, it’s not the sales ranking that puts a book to the top, but the number of people who’ve tagged it for that category!! So in one of mine, there’s a book with 1 review (3 stars) and a lower sales rank, but because they have way more tags, they are higher than mine in the category. Doing this is completely anonymous!
Customer reviews on Goodreads and Amazon are going well. If you’ve read it, rating it on Goodreads will help its visibility–you don’t have to leave a review there to do so. Thanks!!
Do you have a release out now? What things have you found help your visibility?
Liked, tagged, bought and twittering. I’m so happy for you.
Tagged and liked! Thanks for the tips . . . I have a my debut novel coming out Jan. 24th:-) Didn’t even know geek romance was a tag! Cheers!
Liked and tagged on Amazon. Thanks for bringing that to our attention. 🙂