Welcome to #SixSunday!
Today’s Six Sunday I’m continuing with my upcoming release, BEER AND GROPING IN LAS VEGAS due out December 19. As we’re getting closer to the due date, things are starting to happen! You can now add it to your Goodreads shelf, and I’ve also created a page for it on my website which will have updated buy links as they become available.
This is in her POV and she’s describing the fit of Riley’s khakis:
Not too tight, not too loose, but just right. Just call her Goldilocks of the Khaki Admirers. After all, a girl enjoyed a glimpse of firm butt. Speaking of which, she’d need to peek later.
But what attracted her most were his warm, intelligent, bourbon-brown eyes. She’d had a hard time looking into them during dinner, like she’d overexpose or singe herself, or worse, like they’d penetrate to the stark loneliness she buried so deep within.
And last weekend, I had fun creating a trailer for BEER AND GROPING IN LAS VEGAS!
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DBSIF89K_4]
I’m also kicking off a blog tour on December 17 and if any of you have slots available on your blog for hosting me, I’d love to be a guest 🙂 Just shoot me an email at angela [at] angelaquarles [dot] com
To see snippets from others who are participating or to sign up yourself, visit here.
Thank you to everyone who comes by and comments each week!
Sexy eyes, and a great butt! Yeah, I’d want more, too. Great six! 🙂
I’ve always been a sucker for a great set of eyes. This is a very organic six nice job!
LOL — love the Goldilocks line. And I love the way she exposes her vulnerability at the end. Nice six! Oh, and I loved the trailer — that was a lot of fun.
Yeah, butts are nice, but it’s the eyes that’ll get you every time.
That’s beautiful! Note to self: look up pictures of bourbon to see what color it is. Need a visual.
Wow, you are obviously not from the South, LOL! It’s like a religion down here 🙂
I agree, the descriptions and emotions are very well done.
Great visual.
I’m glad she appreciates his physique but loses herself in his eyes! Excellent excerpt…
Terrific fun description. Thanks. I love a firm butt as well as eyes the window of the soul.
Just right butt, bourbon-brown eyes. Ah, lovely. Very nice six, Angela! Can’t wait for your release.
Intense six! Great job.
Great character voice. She sounds like a lot of fun to read.
I love the descriptions! Great six!
lol Goldilocks of khakis. Love it!
I love your humour 🙂 Great job on your six and your trailer!! I’m marking the 19th on my calendar 🙂
Yep, the deadly eye/butt combo will get you every time! 😉 Great six as always!
Great six, Angela. I love “bourbon brown eyes” and I really feel for her loneliness already. Excited for your release!
The descriptions are fabulous and that last line, I love it! Fab 6.
Bourbon brown eyes. Nice.
Loved the last line – excellent. By the way it might be just me but I looked at the trailer the other day and while it’s great it scrolled too quickly for my eyes to catch it all – otherwise excellent
Who says geeks can’t be sexy.
I love a man with brown eyes. I like how you describe them as bourbon-colored. I usually describe brown eyes and hair as chocolate-colored.
Gotta admire a woman with an eye for a good butt. 🙂 Not that eyes aren’t appealing, but…LOL Nice six.
Great six, Angela! And I LOVE the title of your book too! 🙂
A girl definitely enjoys they way that butt looks. 🙂 And “bourbon-brown eyes” is such a unique and awesome description. Awesome six sentences! Can’t wait to read the book.
“ike she’d overexpose or singe herself, or worse, like they’d penetrate to the stark loneliness she buried so deep within.”
That’s excellent.
That’s warm and sexy – I too love that last sentence. Well done
“like they’d penetrate to the stark loneliness she buried so deep within.” Terrific line. Sexy, emotional six. Very well done.
I’m already in love with his eyes!
Sounds yummy! Well done. 🙂
She’s got it bad! BTW, liked your trailer. Cute!
Angela, Angela. Sigh. That last line almost made me weep. I know it’s supposed to be sexy and all (and it is!), but it’s also very touching. I felt her vulnerability.
Khaki Admirers indeed! Nice six. LOVE the title, too.
Your description is FAB! Particularly love the colour of his eyes. Mmm, bourbon-brown. I’m really excited for this book! 🙂
Beautiful description. 🙂
This six took a turn. First we were grinning with her–yes, just right. But then for it to lead to her realization that she didn’t want him to see her loneliness…so real. Great six.
Groovy trailer! Not long now till release day. Congratulations, Angela! So excited for you.
Great imagery! I especially love the bourbon-brown eyes bit. Fun six!
Hah! I LOVE this line–> Just call her Goldilocks of the Khaki Admirers.
Great six, Angela, as always! And, I love your trailer too! (It made me laugh)
Enjoyed the trailer and loved the six!
This six took a twist. At first we’re grinning with her over the just right fit, but then we’re relating to that loneliness that at one point or another, most of us have had a hid. Evocative in different ways.
A nice firm butt is quite important as Goldilocks well knows! Good luck with the release.
I love your cover!! Congrats on the release…just a few more days!
Fab six!
For some reason, I don’t remember the eye thing from the first time I read it. Is it new? Because I can totally relate — sometimes it’s nearly painful to look at someone. What a great detail to include. 🙂
Yep, it was there 😉
Wow, I really liked the line about the eyes, how they’d expose the loneliness. Nicely written six, Angela. 🙂
Wow. Now THOSE are some amazing eyes! Awesome writing!