Christmas Wishes Giveaway Hop

Christmas Wishes

Welcome to the Christmas Wishes Blog Hop, sponsored by Book and Trailer Showcase (BTS), Coffee Beans and Love Scenes and Full Moon Bites. Many thanks to our sponsors who are offering the following awesome GRAND PRIZES:

Kindle Paperwhite with book bundle
Nook Glow-Light with book bundle
or a $90 giftcard for either Amazon or Barnes & Noble

Just in time for the holidays!

Be Careful What You Wish For!

I must have a thing for wishes because my first novel to go on submission, MUST LOVE BREECHES, is about a modern woman who accidentally wishes herself to 1834 London, England. Ooops! And my first release is about an over-worked software engineer who makes a sarcastic comment to a stranger, and that stranger happens to be a djinn and interprets it as a wish and grants it! It’s a novelette called BEER AND GROPING IN LAS VEGAS, and releases on December 19th. If you’re interested, comment below and I will give away one free ebook when it becomes available!

Here’s the opening, up to when her wish is stated:

Mirjam rubbed the tiredness from her eyes, but the caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland still occupied the Rivenbark Hotel & Casino elevator with her. She blinked and squinted. Yep. And life-size. Complete with hookah.

Plastic squeaked against glass as the caterpillar shifted to make more room. It made eye contact.

“Er, nice costume,” Mirjam ventured.

“Thanks,” came the muffled reply.

The elevator swooped to a stop on the mezzanine level. A pirate and a Ghostbuster stepped on and pushed the lobby button. Mirjam angled back to avoid being knocked over by the guy’s Proton Pack.

“Convention?” Mirjam asked the caterpillar and it rewarded her with a nod.

Mirjam groaned inwardly. She’d attended her share, but now, they reminded her too much of The Turd, otherwise known as Brian. Great. She wanted to go home but apparently, that was asking too much—a blizzard in Ann Arbor nixed her flight this morning. Next chance to get out—tomorrow.

The elevator dinged at the lobby, and she headed to the hotel bar. Maybe she could salvage the day by squeezing in some work.

“What can I get you?” The bartender sported a headband with gold, sparkly antennae in her pink, cropped hair.

Mirjam pulled out her laptop. “Sprite, please.” Only a few others populated the bar, too early for drinking. Though this was Vegas. Pink Hair Lady plopped down Mirjam’s drink, the stir stick topped by a wiggling green rubber alien.

“So, which convention is this?” Mirjam motioned to a couple of Spartans walking by, though they probably shouldn’t have chosen that look.

“It’s ConVegas—sci-fi, fantasy, pop culture, that kind of thing. Doesn’t start until tomorrow, but we always get some folks early. What brings you here?”

“AppExpo that ended last night.” Mirjam connected to the hotel’s free WiFi. Time to figure out what caused her new app to choke while compiling.

Pink Hair Lady cocked her hip, fist resting on the bone. “Lemme guess. You’re always working, aren’t you?” She slid a glass bowl of pistachios over. “This is Vegas. You should be out having fun.”

Fun. Pfft. No time for that. “My flight got canceled and the timing blows. Too much to do. I didn’t want to come, but my partner thought it might be good for business.”

“Was it?”

Mirjam shrugged and pulled up and scanned her code, hoping her fixed focus on the laptop would clue Chatty One to leave her alone.

“I’m Jenn, by the way.”

Mirjam peeked up and pasted on a smile. “Nice to meet you.” She tracked back to the code.

The bartender left to help another customer but returned her inquisitive butt a few minutes later. “So, Vegas at your feet and your nose is to the grindstone. This is truly what you wish to do with your unexpected free night?”

Mirjam gritted her teeth. If Jenn would stop pestering her, she might be able to figure out the rendering bug. “No. If I had my wish, I’d spend it having hot sex with the man of my dreams, but since that’s not going to happen…” she snapped.

The bartender’s eyes flashed for a second. Or had they literally flashed?

BEER cover small

About the book:

Can a djinn and a magic slot machine bring two geeks together?

Riley McGregor is a geek trapped in a Good Ole Boy body and as owner of a microbrewery, smart chicks never look at him twice.

Rejected by a geek who wanted to “trade up,” Mirjam Linna would rather immerse herself in work than be the girlfriend-of-the-moment. Stranded in a Vegas hotel, she makes a wish—a night of hot sex with the man of her dreams. It’s granted. She agrees to dinner, but afterward, she’ll say thanks, but no thanks, and see what’s on the SyFy channel. But when they meet, they’re surprised to find they had a shared connection in their past. Sparks fly as these two learn to be in the moment, be themselves and find love.

Fans of Star Trek, Star Wars, Monty Python, Firefly and Marvin the Martian will enjoy this romantic comedy.



We have a ton of great giveaways for you to help make your Christmas wishes come true! You can win a Kindle Paperwhite, A Nook Glow, and a $90 gift card for either Amazon or Barnes & Noble.  Both Tablets will come with a book bundle!!  A big thank you to all of our sponsors and it’s not too late to donate a book if you would like to!!

To win any of the above, enter via Rafflecopter on the hop host Book & Trailer Showcase. But that’s not all, I will also give away a free copy of my novelette, Beer and Groping in Las Vegas, to one lucky commenter as soon as it’s available!

And be sure to visit all the other participants, as each one is giving away something on their blog:

18 Replies to “Christmas Wishes Giveaway Hop”

  1. Love this excerpt! Can’t wait to read the book (whether I win it or buy it). Thanks for providing this great opportunity! 🙂

  2. For my Christmas wish I really want Santa to bring me books, amazon cards(so I can buy books and a new digital camera. And cause I have been really naughty he might leave a sexy Alpha male to help me behave next year! LOL

    Thanks for the giveaway and the awesome excerpt!!


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