Six Sentence Sunday – 9/9/12

I’m back! Dragon*Con was a lot of fun, and will try to post an update soon. Today is #sixsunday where writers share six sentences from their work. 

NEWS: MUST LOVE BREECHES finaled in FF&P’s On the Far Side contest (time travel/steampunk/historical category) last weekend, and this weekend, it came in first in the Celtic Hearts Golden Claddagh contest in the paranormal category!

Today’s Six Sunday is from STEAM ME UP, RAWLEY, my steampunk romance set in Mobile, AL. Everyone, including the new boarder Dr. Rawley, is sitting down to dinner. They’ve been eating and talking away for a bit when their automaton butler comes in to announce breakfast instead of dinner. The heroine’s brother Robert was asked if he could fix it. This picks up exactly where we left off:

“I’ll see to it right now. I’ll just get some of Camilla’s delicious pie to fortify myself.”

“I thought you were an archaeologist?” Dr. Rawley asked.

“You were not misinformed, however, I do like to keep my hand in all things mechanical.” Robert winked and held up his mechanical left hand.

As always I welcome constructive feedback.

To see snippets from others who are participating or to sign up yourself, visit here.

Thank you to everyone who comes by and comments each week! 

37 Replies to “Six Sentence Sunday – 9/9/12”

  1. The dialogue from this snippet reminds me of Firefly. As far as I’m concerned, that’s always a good thing. It really gives the reader a sense of the time and location. I’m really enjoying this story. You’re doing good work!

  2. Congratulations—I know BREECHES had it going on . . . wait, does that sound right?

    This one sounds just as good! If you need a beta, drop me a note, please. 🙂

  3. Ha! Love his witty reply. This is turning out to be a fun one, Angela! (And congrats on all your successes!)

  4. Sounds great, Angela. I like the humor. And a HUGE congratulations on the Golden Claddagh contest!!!!! I can’t wait to see Must Love Breeches in print. 🙂 Or published online – you know what I mean.

  5. Congrats on all your successes, they just continue to roll in, and so well-deserved. A short six but I love the ‘feel’ of it, particularly the language. I can’t wait for this one to be available to the reading public.

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