Weekend Grab Bag – From Writing Tips to Harry Potter theme played on wineglasses

Song playing right now on my playlist: “Anywhere Out of the World” by Dead Can Dance

Writing and the Writing Life:


In Geekdom:

  • And I’ll leave you with this, it’s the Harry Potter theme played on wine glasses:
    [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Jjl2xjuzGk]

10 Replies to “Weekend Grab Bag – From Writing Tips to Harry Potter theme played on wineglasses”

  1. Ha! I played the video and had half the family watching over my shoulder. Great find!

    I’m off to check out some of the other links too. Thanks for including mine! 🙂

  2. Great links in this post. The articles on internal dialogue and character description are valuable for any writer. And the SmartEdit scanner is AWESOME. It doesn’t replace your own editing (and it shouldn’t), but it will help you if you know there are words you use too much or that you have a penchant for adverbs. And it will point out words you didn’t know you overuse or if you’re leaning on certain cliches. A terrific tool for writers. And FREE. How can you beat that!

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