Six Sentence Sunday – 5/13/12

Today is #sixsunday where writers share six sentences from their work. I’ll share a snippet from my time-travel romance WIP titled MUST LOVE BREECHES, which is now out in query land! (You can see the other entries here.) It finaled this past week in Virginia’s Fool for Love contest, in the paranormal category!

This might be the last from this story for a little bit. I’m eager to share lines from my new short story BEER AND GROPING IN LAS VEGAS. On that note, if anyone’s interested in Beta reading it (11K words), let me know…

Here’s my pitch/logline: When a thoroughly modern girl finds herself stranded in 1834 London, she must find a way home while navigating the pitfalls of London society, resisting her attraction to a hunky lord, and ultimately having to decide when her true home lies. 

This is the midpoint of the novel, right after she’s caught him sneaking around in a room at a ball. Oh, and she’s on top of him on the floor because she’d been surprised by him and tackled him to the floor before she realized who it was. Picking up one line later from last week (you only missed him smiling)–someone’s opened the door, he kissed her for cover, and she responded. When she heard the door close, she was startled and to his complete shock, she returned to his lips and asked “Where were we?”, and now (this is in his POV):

“I believe I was about to do this.” He angled his head and nibbled on her lower lip. A small moan escaped her. Emboldened, he deepened the kiss and found that she did not hesitate to explore on her own.

Blood rushed instantly to his groin, stiffening his arousal. Never had he met a lady so comfortable with her own sensuality.

As always I welcome constructive feedback. Thank you!

To see snippets from others who are participating or to sign up yourself, visit here.

Thank you to everyone who comes by and comments each week! Happy Mother’s Day!

47 Replies to “Six Sentence Sunday – 5/13/12”

  1. “Never had he met a lady so comfortable with her own sensuality.” No kidding Lord Hottie. LOL Steamy Six, Angela.

  2. Congrats on the contest final. Woo hoo! And I’m still chuckling about the short story title. Very nice six here–I love how he introduces the kiss to her. 🙂

  3. Congratulations on finaling, Angela! That’s awesome! Love the sexual tension between these two in this sample. I bet there’s LOTS she could show him. Well done! 🙂

  4. “Never had he met a lady so comfortable with her own sensuality.” Well, duh, of course he hasn’t! He’s never met a modern woman before. Wonder if he’ll be able to handle her…

  5. He likes it now, but will he later, once clearer heads prevail? Great six, Angela. I’m wondering whether he gets prudish later in the story and wants her to stymie her “modern” thinking and ways or whether he basks in it and encourages her.

  6. Hey Angela. Yeah I’m kind of wondering myself if he’s going to stay so comfortable with her aggressiveness. But that’s great because it means I’d keep reading if I had your book in my hands 🙂

  7. “We’ve come a long way, baby!” And how neat that he’s going to reap the benefits of all she knows. Great six. Great concept.

  8. I have only one word for this scene–more! Seriously, I’m loving it. I’m looking forward to this one coming out, so I can read the whole thing. Congrats on the final!

  9. Congratulations on the contest!! So glad he’s into the wiles of a modern woman. I’ve loved this scene and will miss it, but I am looking forward to what you bring next.

  10. I was thinking the same thing as K.E. Will he back off when his head (ahem) clears? Will she gain a *reputation*? So many questions!

  11. Yeah – that was a good snippet to pick. I’ll bet he never med a lady like her lol
    congrats n the contest – was it the whole book entered?
    and yeah 11k is short enough for me to beta read, if you’d like me to.

  12. What?!?!? And you’re thinking of ending your sixes on this with this one?!?! What a place to leave things, LOL. I loved this and can just imagine how flummoxed AND appreciative he is. I think apprecative is going to win out in the end given his thoughts and reaction. This was awesome!

  13. Love the details (especially the blood rushing to his groin). You really describe his feelings towards her. I think this whole work will be a page-turner. Great stuff Angela!

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