Song playing right now on my playlist: “I Shall Believe,” by Sheryl Crowe
Writing and the Writing Life:
- Janice Hardy write a great post on verbs you use that imply assumption, but you might not have intended it that way. Seems So: Are Your Characters Making Misleading Assumptions?
- This post explores the challenges of word choices when writing historicals and how reader assumptions need to be taken into account: Historical Language Can Be Electrifying
- Kristen Lamb shares her first conference experience and has tips on how to not do what she did and enjoy yours: Writing Conferences–Beware of Crossing Deer
- Looking for Beta readers? Jami Gold has some tips: Ask Jami: How Do We Find Beta Readers? She also had this great how-to post for merging all your comments: MS Word Trick: Combining Changes and Comments
- Julie Musil asks if you have enough fleas in your story? Wise Agent Advice: More Fleas, Please
Ada Lovelace:
Jane Austen:
In Geekdom:
- For April Fool’s, posted a Skyrim hoodie complete with dragon shouts for sale
- Check out these dinosaurs dressed in Victorian garb!
- 14 Wonderfully Geeky Easter Eggs
- Two trailers that got me excited this week: True Blood Season 5 and the remake of Total Recall
- And I’ll leave you with this:
Informative and fun! Angela. Thanks for all the great tips and laughs. I especially enjoyed Kristen Lamb’s article about her first experience with conferences. Oh, and anything with “a Gandalf” always gets a thumbs up from me. What a hoot!
I’m so glad to have found another Trubie! 🙂
😀 — I might jut have to get HBO when the summer rolls around.
Oh! If you like the series, read the novels! So good!
Oh, I did! Read them first 🙂 They’re like crack….
Thanks, Angela! I always really enjoy your weekend grab bag. Great articles and funny pics. Thanks for taking the time!
Thanks, Angela. Now I know that fleas are a good thing. I want Firefly eggs. Also, longboarding Galdalf rocks!
OMG, love that video! Thanks so much for the mention. I appreciate it!
Isn’t it a hoot? I giggled when I saw it…
Thanks for the links! 🙂
I always love your grab bag collections. Such fun! 🙂
I literally lol’d watching the video! Not so funny if I had been in a car following him…but for the rest of us…another story! lolol… Going to watch it again 🙂