Ah, another Saturday morning and I’m sipping a cup of Yerba Maté tea and listening to the sweet sounds of raccoons fighting in the ceiling and walls above and around me. Song playing right now on my playlist: “He Won’t Go,” Adele.
Writing and the Writing Life:
- Jami Gold has an awesome spreadsheet linked in her post How to Use the “Save the Cat” Beat Sheet for Revisions
- Christi Barth asks Do Writers Have To Be Method Actors?
- Janice Hardy has some advice on The Faceless Villain: What to do When Your Bad Guy Isn’t a Person
- Considering e-pubbing? Jane Friedman has 10 Questions to Ask Before Committing to Any E-Publishing Service
- Juliette Wade has some good advice no matter your setting: TTYU Retro: What “Home” Means – to your character and your story
- Faced with revisions? Mooderino has some good advice: Writing and the Ugly Duck Syndrome
Kristen Lamb has a great idea for a different kind of critique group: A New Approach to a Traditional Group–The Concept Critique
Romance Writers:
- OMG, check out this cover! If Noam Chomsky wrote a Romance
- Romance University has a guy weighing in: Handsome Hansel – A Man’s Eye View of the World of Romance
- The women at SBTB reviewed Kirshenbaum’s book, The Science of Kissing
Jane Austen:
- Over at the new blog, The Popular Romance Project, Dr. Sarah Frantz wrote a piece called Austen, romance novelist about the reluctance of some Janeites to call her books Romances because it’s good literature, so of course it can’t be Romance…
- An artist has done some awesome posters of different sci-fi favorites reworked various ways. Here’s his Firefly Muppets mashup
Randomness and Geekdom:
- Charles Dickens’ birthday was this week, so here’s a map of London with all the places he lived
- Bookstore kitties from around the world
- Novis Nerdfest – Sci-Fi medley with BSG, Dr. Who and Firefly among others…
- If the Lord of the Rings characters were band instruments poster
- And I’ll leave you with this: If Shakespeare had written The Three Little Pigs…[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxoUUbMii7Q]
Excellent collection of links, Angela. I especially liked the one about questions for eBook publishing and the Shakespearean Three Little Pigs was verily much to the amusement and edification of my spirit, forsoothly. Big “Firefrog” fan as well.
My heart is gladdened!
Great information, but I have to confess what really struck me was your raccoon problem. As I was reading this, I was being serenaded by the pitter-patter of the flying squirrels we just evicted from our attic, who still case out the roof daily trying to find a way back in!
Oh God, we have squirrels too! We can’t seem to get rid of either ones…. It’s a 3-story old Victorian and they use the walls as one big habitrail!