Six Sentence Sunday – 11/20/11

I thought I’d start participating in #sixsentencesunday (#sixsunday) with a snippet from my time-travel romance WIP. I currently have this out to Beta readers for feedback and hope to be in a position to query for agents in the new year. Here’s my working query hook for it: Isabelle Rochon has met the man of her dreams. There’s only one problem: he lives in a different century. Talk about a long-distance relationship!

He suspected that the device did much more than what she had revealed, and she held back for his sake. A chasm opened in his mind’s eye, Isabelle occupying the other side and retreating. How could he hope to bridge the gap?

Miss Byron interjected to relate other wonders it performed, confirming his suspicion. “And that is not all. She captured a likeness of me at the ball, and I saw myself in there, in my dress…”

To see snippets from others who are participating or to sign up yourself, visit here.
Have a great Sunday!

18 Replies to “Six Sentence Sunday – 11/20/11”

  1. I love the part about the long distance relationship! LOL! This sounds good. Just can’t resist time travel stories.

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