Magical realism/meta fiction romance
Status: NaNoWriMo 2012, writing first draft
Length: Novel

When a shy, struggling bookstore owner encounters yet another Mr. Darcy come to life, she must train him for contemporary life, give him a new identity and release him into the wild—all part of her role as a member of the secret society, the Literary Reclamation League. But when other literary Manifestations begin disappearing, she teams up with her hot, loner employee to uncover who’s offing them before her latest Mr. Darcy is next.

Historical mystery
Status: Complete, trunked
Length: Novel (60,000 words)
Genevieve Winthrop has realized her dream of running her own bookstore, but the death of a Russian sailor in her store threatens her position and entangles her in a Trotskyite plot. Suspected by the police, Genevieve must discover the real killer before her bookstore days are over. Set in the backdrop of the hot month of August in 1940 Mobile, Alabama, she is aided by her friend Sergei, a Soviet emigrant, but soon her own life is threatened when she starts getting too close to the truth. It’s an homage to Christopher Morley’s The Haunted Bookshop and the old bookstore of the same name that used to grace downtown Mobile for over 40 decades. Complete but gathering dust under the four poster bed.

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