Six Sentence Sunday – 12/23/12


Welcome to #SixSunday! I’m going to be traveling today, so I probably won’t get to everyone until tonight. But regardless, I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday!

Today’s Six Sunday I’m continuing with my upcoming release, BEER AND GROPING IN LAS VEGAS is now out!!

This is in the heroine’s POV and they’ve now moved up to her hotel suite. We’re picking up exactly where we left off last week. He came back from getting bottles of beer and hovered behind her:

His warm breath sighed in her ear. “God, you look so beautiful.”

He leaned onto the railing, his strong arms framing her, the glass bottles in his hands dinging against the metal. He nuzzled her neck, his nose pushing her hair aside, fresh shivers zinging over her. His lips grazed the sensitive skin behind her ear, the only point of contact between them.

The heat and tension bloomed in the space between their bodies, acting like a magnetic force.

I’m also available for guest posts, so if any of you have slots available on your blog for hosting me, I’d love to be a guest 🙂 Just shoot me an email at angela [at] angelaquarles [dot] com


To see snippets from others who are participating or to sign up yourself, visit here.

Thank you to everyone who comes by and comments each week! 

26 Replies to “Six Sentence Sunday – 12/23/12”

  1. Loved this snippet. Glad we got to see the continuation of last week. Such a lovely moment with wonderful details–particularly that the nuzzle behind her ear was their only part of contact, and the clanking of the bottles against the rail.

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