Six Sentence Sunday – 8/19/12

Today is #sixsunday where writers share six sentences from their work. 

Today’s Six Sunday is picking up where we left off last week with STEAM ME UP, RAWLEY, my steampunk romance set in Mobile, AL. Loki returns Rawley’s cravat that had flown away when Rawley landed in his hot air balloon, leaving him indecently clothed and giving the heroine her first peek at a man’s collarbone. Loki is a monkey and he’s wearing oyster shell armor, and Rawley asked if Loki was wearing oyster shells. This picks up with the heroine answering:

“Indeed, sir, it’s his armor and most prized possession.”

He quirked an eyebrow. “Intriguing.” He stood and wrapped the cravat around his neck several times and knotted it with an indifferent style. Now he was decently clothed. Drat.

As always I welcome constructive feedback. Thank you!

To see snippets from others who are participating or to sign up yourself, visit here.

Thank you to everyone who comes by and comments each week! 

43 Replies to “Six Sentence Sunday – 8/19/12”

  1. I find it interesting that Rawley ties his cravat in an “indifferent style.” Love that little character note. And the fact that she noticed the style (or lack thereof) but is more interested in what it covered up. Fun six!

  2. Hahaha, I love this dialogue! P.S. Just to make you jealous, thought I’d let you know the fam and I are attending Star Wars Celebration VI in Orlando this coming weekend . . . I’ll be sure to blog about it:-)

  3. So none of that nonsense about a “Mathematical” or “Waterfall” tie for him. I LIKE Rawley. Am still a bit wary of Loki though. That name+monkey can’t bode well.

  4. So her first peek at man’s “collarbone”?? Er, you really did mean collarbone! Lol Awesome six, Angela! I love these characters and the voice here. Nicely done!

  5. I like that his style was indifferent; it’s nice to see how much attention she pays to his movements. Like the details and love their dialogue.

  6. Wouldn’t you say “in an indifferent style” if you are referring to the style of the tie? I read “with an indifferent style” as how he goes about tying it, much like saying “with indifference”. Not an expert so take this with a grain of salt.
    Not what I typically read, but the lines made me curious as to what happened next especially ending it in “drat”.

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