Thought I’d pull a post from the archives that might interest you since True Blood is on air again, and since this is the 4th, it’s kinda relevant because watching this kiss is like firecrackers going off! bah-dum-bum-tcheeh.
I’m going to take an excerpt from True Blood to illustrate/discuss writing sexual tension and the stages of intimacy. Monday I featured Alexander Skarsgård as the Monday Hunk Who Reads, and I’ve had today’s post in mind for a while now, so I thought I would round off the week with True Blood to stick with the Skarsgård theme.
One of the greatest tools I found for anyone writing romance, either as the main plot or as a subplot in a non-romance book, is the 12 Stages to Physical Intimacy developed by Linda Howard from Desmond Morris‘ book Intimate Behavior: A Zoologist’s Classic Study of Human Intimacy. I first heard about this in an online class this past summer, “From Slow Burn to Fast Sizzle: Making Sexual Tension Work For You,” from the Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal Chapter of RWA given by romance writers Kira Sinclair and Lynn Raye Harris (thank you!)
In a nutshell, in order to make the sexual tension between two people believable, a writer should show the characters progressing through these 12 steps:
- Eye to body
- Eye to eye
- Voice to voice
- Hand to hand (or arm)
- Arm to shoulder
- Arm to waist, or back
- Mouth to mouth
- Hand to head
- Hand to body
- Mouth to breast
- Hand to genitals
- Genitals to genitals
To learn more details about these steps, and how to use them and switch them up, see Jenny Hansen’s post Using The 12 Stages of Physical Intimacy To Build Tension In Your Novel and Terry Odell’s 12 Steps to Intimacy.
Okay, studied up? Let’s see it in action! For non-fans of True Blood, this kiss scene between Viking vampire Eric Northman and Sookie Stackhouse had been a long time coming. They’d kissed before, but never initiated by Sookie and always through some kind of trick or manipulation by Eric. This is the first kiss initiated by Sookie. Up until now, there’d been a lot of stage 1 through 3, especially 1 & 2 by Eric. He can’t get enough of looking at Sookie and I wonder if that’s what makes him so sexy, is the way he looks at her?
Alexander’s Skarsgård’s character Eric has just basically told Anna Paquin‘s character that he doesn’t dare be around her any more since all he does is cause trouble for her and he doesn’t dare risk hurting her or getting her killed. He’s walking away. So here, let’s see how many stages we see (don’t worry if you’re at work, it only goes up to 9):
Okay, confession time for me. When I first saw this I literally had chills running up and down my whole body. Yes, even to my toes! I kid you not! After I had this very physical response (I think I also said “Whoa” out loud), the writer in me had to ask WHY? Certainly I don’t have this reaction anytime I see people kiss on screen. Especially when Alexander Skarsgård’s character here is looking so dorky in gym clothes. (Though he IS certainly adorkable here!) I’ve seen some great actors give me chills and then other times, not a one (for the same actor). And it’s not because “they’re hot” as I’ve seen some dull kisses from actors that I find “hot.”
WHAT about this scene did this for me? I don’t really know the answer, but I wondered if it was because of these stages? Do you know why? I’ve always wondered about chemistry between actors and how and why that translates onto the screen… Watch it again (go ahead, you know you want to). Here’s what I observed on rewatching.
- Notice his eyes when he first hears her calling his name. They snap up and track around to stare at her. (Chills are already starting again. Or maybe I just need to get Central Heat?) Anyway, it’s dang sexy…
- Camera switches back to her and more eye to eye contact. Intense eye to eye contact. And then her confession.
- His slow walk back maintaining constant eye contact. I think the constant part of this is essential here.
- Her arms go out for some hand to arm and hand to shoulder action. Her arms outstretched also symbolize her acceptance of him
- Then, oh then, frames 1:30 to 1:35. One hand draws in her hair on the back of her head. The the other hand does the sexy back-of-the-fingers swipe to the nape of her neck. They’ve skipped a couple of stages with him touching her this way (step 8: hand to head). This is a very intimate move and they haven’t even kissed yet. Look closely at these frames and see the emotions play across his face as he does this move. He almost winces and I think even just being this close to her is more than he’d ever hoped for. Also, this is a very vulnerable position for her since he’s a vampire. She’s trusting him. Having his mouth near her neck like that is very intimate/sensual, even if he wasn’t a vampire. I think it’s implied that he’s drawing in her scent here too.
- Her eyes open and she brushes by his ear
- He holds back, letting her initiate
- She looks him in the eye and they maintain eye contact
- She kisses him, but frames his face first in her hands, while maintaining eye contact
- He responds (le sigh)
- And the kiss escalates from there with his hands moving in her hair, etc.
The musical score was perfect for this scene too, but we can’t rely on music in our novel writing…
I’ve been really trying to figure out what makes some scenes in books so intense and others not so much, and I’m becoming more and more convinced that eye contact is the key. Or maybe it’s that the flat ones skipped some steps and it felt forced? I’ll have to study some more (dang)…
All kidding aside, there are reasons why some scenes where all they do is look at each other
(or just touch hands)
are loaded with tons more tension than a full-on sex scene. And I think it’s the same reasons why one sex scene can be sexy as hell and another is a yawner. Stepping your reader through the stages will help, as well as making sure you’ve laid the emotional foundation.
What else did you notice from the clip? Are you a True Blood fan? What did you think when you first saw this scene? What are some elements that help make scenes in books or movies sizzle? Why do some things fall flat?
Great post! Gave me chills. 🙂
🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
SO maybe it’s the word maven in me, but I got more chills reading your description of the scene than I did when I actually saw it! Go figure.
Oh, I so loved that episode!!! I think a lot of these great scenes have to do with the ‘almost’ scenes that build up before it too. I’m a huge fan of Karen Marie Moning’s Fever series, and I think that the first full-out steamy scene is the way it is because it took so many ‘almosts’ to get there. There’s a fine line, though, between creating to much wait time and not enough. Love this post!
You’re so right L.J. and I’ll have to check out that series. I’ve read one of her books (a time travel) but haven’t read those, so will add it to my TBR, thanks!
We just watched that episode on DVD last night! It was an incredible scene, I loved his response when he stopped as she called his name. I think we’ve been wanting this from the first time Eric enters, he is the ultimate bad boy with a twist, a warm gooey inside that the amnesia exposes… I read somewhere last year that Alexander Skarsgård really teased Stephen Moyer about doing the sex scene and while during it. Bill was the perfect lover for innocent Sookie but as she matured, Eric was the brass ring, I love how Charlaine Harris built that tension over the course of several books. What fun the morning after to re-examine and enjoy it over morning coffee, great article!
Love how things coincide like this! Glad you found the post, thanks for commenting!
In honor of National Vampire Appreciation Day:
True Blood Cabbage Soup!
OOOooh –I heart Charlaine Harris. I’ve tried to “study” the Sookie/Eric phenomenon myself too. I think you’ve really picked up on part of the formula here. I’m going to have to come back to this post later and reread it!! I’m going to try for a Sookie/Eric type dynamic between two of the characters in my next novel.
Shoot for the stars, right? LOL