Six Sentence Sunday – 3/25/12

Today is #sixsunday where writers share six sentences from their work. I’ll share a snippet from my time-travel romance WIP tentatively titled MUST LOVE BREECHES, which is now out in query land! (You can see the other entries here.) Just found out yesterday that it finaled in the SARA Merritt Contest in the paranormal category.

Here’s my new pitch/logline: When a thoroughly modern girl finds herself stranded in 1834 London, she must find a way home while navigating the pitfalls of London society, resisting her attraction to a hunky lord, and ultimately having to decide when her true home lies. 

Since everyone’s been enjoying her ride in the curricle with Lord Montagu, I thought I’d pick up exactly where we left off last week. It seems appropriate too, since what he asks her in a bit is the Act One break/turning point. This is from Isabelle’s POV, and she and Lord Montagu are in a curricle (a type of carriage) in Hyde Park. She’s only been back in time for two days and he’s just called on her to ask her to go on this ride with him:

Weird, so, this was a date? Well, as close as it got with these people? The idea almost made her laugh, but it really wasn’t that funny. This slower, more distant type of courtship was actually much more stimulating, more exciting. And oddly, more intimate, though that didn’t make much sense. Oh, girl, this isn’t good.

As always I welcome constructive feedback. Thank you!

To see snippets from others who are participating or to sign up yourself, visit here.

Thank you to everyone who comes by and comments each week! Have a great Sunday!

62 Replies to “Six Sentence Sunday – 3/25/12”

  1. I love her internal back-and-forth and how her ultimate declaration is that, yes, she’s in trouble! Great six!

  2. Excellent job really getting into her POV, Angela. I feel her confusion with her. Very cool that she is appreciating this new world, and finding things she likes better than her usual world. Keep up the great work. 🙂

  3. Nice six, Natalie! Love how her paradigms are shifting, if grudgingly. We “modernites” tend to knock down the past for the chauvinism, the lack of “equality”, the patronizing attitudes… But when we changed all that, what did we lose? Not to say it needs to be one or the other, but perhaps in the process of modernity we’ve let some things, valuable things, go as well. Good luck with the querying, Natalie!

  4. Angela,

    First, congrats on your awards. That is awesome!!

    Great six as well. Interesting to think about…the more space, the more intimacy. Nicely done.

    1. It’s just a carriage ride at this point, so no moves… which is what is intriguing her 😉 Also, in some ways they moved faster. Wasn’t unknown at all for guys to dance with a lady and the next day ask for her hand…

  5. Oh great. I love how we’re seeing the past the past through her eyes and how she appreciates it.

  6. This is a brilliant idea, to do a time-travel to the regency period. It allows you to comment on so many things in the regency era, from the modern reader’s perspective. Good luck with your queries!

  7. I love Isabelle’s voice, and completely agree about a slower-paced courtship with little or no physical contact being more intimate than today’s typical model.

  8. Fun six. One of the best love scenes in a comes from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (different culture/time, obviously). Two characters who were in love with one another were sitting, having tea. Neither said anything. Neither touched. Yet it was such a powerfully intimate scene. So yes, I buy (and agree with) her thoughts.

  9. See I am just totally loving this and wanting to read it ALL in one sitting, not a teaspoonful at a time – I hope it SELLS quick 🙂 I keep putting myself in your heroine’s place and enjoying the heck out of it. In the meantime, terrific snippet!

  10. Sorry I’m so late getting around to my SSS favorites. No wifi yesterday. 🙁 I love the juxtaposition between her modern sensibilities and adapting to her surroundings. Well done.

  11. I love this story and the way you’ve managed to include both eras in the reader’s mind. Awesome plotting and writing.

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