Song playing right now on my playlist: “Bittersweet Symphony,” by the Verve. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Writing and the Writing Life:
- Are your characters constantly trying to stand, run, smile? Well did they succeed or not? You could be weakening your prose. Janice Hardy explores this common writer crutch: Do or Do Not. There is No Try: Clarifying What Your Characters Do
- I’m really enjoying this series over at Romance University: Ask An Editor: Theresa Stevens’ Line Editing Series
- Miss Snark’s First Victim talks about how we might be unique in the creative world: On Writerly Camaraderie
Romance Writers:
- Sarah Wendell does an awesome post in reaction to 50 Shades and everyone in the media shocked to learn that women enjoy sex: Romance, Arousal, and Condescension
- Merry Farmer writes an awesome post in reaction to a Philadelphia magazine article about the sorry state of the modern male which could explain why women like to read about Alpha males in romance: Where Have All The Good Men Gone?
- Apparently we’re hitting the fruit too much, specifically cherries and berries, when describing nipples– this post will either have you chuckling or groaning: A Description of Nipples
- Romance author Beth Dunn does an excellent and humorous overview of men’s fashion, specifically their pants, in the Regency and why some eschewed underwear (they didn’t want a panty line!) in her post at Wonders & Marvels: The Turn of the Leg
Ada Lovelace:
- Sydney Padua has a new Lovelace and Babbage Comic posted!
- Okay, weird. She gets a giant tunnel boring machine named after her in the UK
Jane Austen:
- paInk at deviantART does some awesome comic panels of the Netherfield Ball scene
- Great interview with Joss Whedon at SXSW and how he still has hopes for Firefly
And I’ll leave you with this:
Good selection. I love the Irish Storm Troopers. Not sure about Vader’s bare feet though. Somehow they don’t look villainous enough.