- Janice Hardy with Fundamental Check: Do Your Scenes Have What They Need? and Leave the Breadcrumbs Behind: Are You Asking — and Answering — the Right Story Questions? and What’s Their Story? Discovering the Front Story of Your Non-Point of View Characters (Can you tell I love her posts?)
- Jane Friedman as thoughts on 5 Attitudes Toward Publishing You Should Avoid
- Juliette Wade deconstructs the power of the subject of the sentence. Are you using that power wisely? Very enlightening: Superpowers of the Grammatical Subject
Romance Writers:
- Have you wondered what some terms mean on blogs? I learned what a Woobie is: The ABCs of Romance: The Duke of Slut, Mary Sue, TSTL, and More!
- For my paranormal romance buddies, here’s some awesome wedding photos this one couple had made
- How great is this flowchart?
- Check out this craft Browncoat who made a gingerbread house in the shape of our favorite ship.
- Oh, love it! A new meme, this time for Browncoats. It’s Jubal Early logic. There’s not that many yet, and some of them aren’t that funny, but it just started a couple of days ago, so Browncoats, get busy 😉
Jane Austen:
- For the Janeite bride: Hard Candy Lollipops “Mr. Darcy” and “Ms. Lizzy” Earl Grey Latte flavored -Wedding Cake Embellishment, Favor, Decoration – only 1 left!
In Geekdom:
- For those geeky about books like me, you might enjoy following this tumblr account: bookshelfporn
- And I’ll leave you with this:
I clicked on the bookstore porn, of course. Then I went in to tell my partner that we weren’t extreme, really, because I had photographic proof…
… that there are addicts, I mean bibliophiles, out there with more budget than we have.
LOL, yep… that’s why I’ll always want hard copies of books– I just love being surrounded by them…
Great links, Angela. I love Bookshelf Porn.