Top 5 posts from last year

Today’s the start of a new year, and I’m very excited to see what it brings for me and my family and friends! I thought I’d do a quick look at my SHORT blogging “career” and share with you some Top 5 posts. Obviously, folks are liking the man candy that has a brain, so I’ll keep doing those as they’re tons of fun. If you’re a regular, what things have you enjoyed and what would you like me to blog about? I just started on September 22, so all this is still new to me as I find my blogging legs.

5. Monday Hunk Who Reads – Bradley Cooper — he has the disadvantage in the numbers game since this was my last Hunk I posted (Dec. 19), but considering that, it’s pretty impressive he already made the Top 5.

4. Monday Hunk Who Reads – Hugh Jackman

3. Who Was Ada Lovelace? — really excited to see this post in the Top 5. She deserves as much time in the spotlight as she can get.

2. Eric and Sookie – Why So Steamy? Writing Sexual Tension… – not sure what caused the numbers here, that it’s about writing sexual tension or that it features Alexander Skarsgard. I really liked this post, though, and spent a lot of time writing it.

1. and with THREE times the number of hits as #2, is: Monday Hunk Who Reads – Alexander Skarsgård

Since I do like to write the occasional writing craft post, I thought I’d do a Top 5 (excluding the one above):

5. Go Deep! Eliminate Distancing Phrases for Deep POV

4. Firefly Friday – Dialogue – How Scary is Pain? It’s all in the delivery

3. Writing Lessons from the TV show Firefly

2. Adding Truth to Fiction Might Cause Hair Loss

1. My struggles with interior monologue, which is really interesting since this was only posted on Dec 22. Obviously a lot of writers are interested in this problem.

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