Six Sentence Sunday – 12/18/11

Today is #sixsunday where writers share six sentences from their work. I’ll share a snippet from my time-travel romance WIP. I currently have this out to Beta readers for feedback and hope to be in a position to query for agents in the new year. Here’s my working query hook for it: Isabelle Rochon has met the man of her dreams. There’s only one problem: he lives in a different century. 

Isabelle, the heroine, is trying to step her new friend, Ada Lovelace, through the events of the previous evening. She needs to convince Ada that she’s from the future. (You can see the other entries here.)

“All right, so we’ve established I’m from America. And this is unusual enough in your life that you would’ve heard of, say, a relative or daughter of a diplomat arriving in your social world. I also didn’t conform to etiquette and wait to be introduced to you. Can you think back to last night and remember anything else I did that struck you as unusual?”

“Besides not being able to understand the majority of your speech?” A smile quirked Ada’s lips.

To see snippets from others who are participating or to sign up yourself, visit here. Other participants who write time travel are Gayle Ramage, Ryan Derham and Jasmine Aherne.

Have a great Sunday!

27 Replies to “Six Sentence Sunday – 12/18/11”

  1. Nice closing line, with lots of implied bear-traps. There’s got to be a time-traveler’s guide to do’s and don’ts, but likely not enough time for our protagonist to have read it. 🙂

  2. Time and space traveler, it sounds like, if she’s an American in England. But in some ways the languages would be more similar in the past. Of course there’d be even more variation within each country.

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