Time Travel Roundup – From Fiction (Q, Gilliam & more) to the latest on those FTL neutrinos (oh, and a really cool 2012 calendar)

I’ve been collecting some posts about time travel over the last month or so, and figured it was time to share them!

In the world of fiction

In real-life science news:

And just plain cool/funny:

  • A 2012 Time Travel Calendar. The calendar collects time travel events from films, comics, TV shows and videogames and puts them on a single timeline that plays out over the year. You’re getting about 2.6 billion years of time travel in 12 months.
  • Google Maps and Time Travel portals, where we “see” Air Force one emerging from a time-travel portal (not really, but it’s funny)

And if you have any time travel news I missed, please feel free to leave it in the comments. Are you writing time travel stories? Share!

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