I know some like their sub genre and don't like to "cross over" -- this way I'll not be sending you emails with books you don't prefer!

And if you haven't yet found me on the web, feel free to stalk me on facebook, twitter, amazon, bookbub, pinterest, and/or  goodreads. And if you want to be really, really interactive with me, consider joining my facebook fan groups:

Until next time,

If I were Linus in Peanuts, I’d have a book instead of a blanket. I’ve always been a big reader. In fact, my brother used to hide my book when we were little so I’d play with him. I also tried to create my own library and taped little self-made catalog numbers on their spines (Lord knows what system I used. I probably made it up). It took me a rather long time to figure out that, hey, maybe I should try my hand at this fiction writing thing. Now, I can’t seem to stop myself.

One thing I LOVE in the books I read is when it can make me laugh out loud. There's nothing like sitting at a café or restaurant and reading, and then you chuckle out loud (or giggle-snort!). When I started writing, I wanted to make sure my writing could do that for readers too!

Day Seven – Dumbarton Castle and Roman Reenactors
Romans Invaded Scotland Today! Saturday I went down to Dumbarton Castle for the Rock of Ages event--a living history demo[...]
Day Six – Isle of Bute
Isle of Bute FTW Friday I didn't hit the road until 1 PM. Destination: Isle of Bute. I still hadn't[...]
Day Four and Five – Rambling Around Argyll
Scouting Locations around Argyll I woke up at 9 on Thursday instead of 8 (still trying to recover from jet[...]
Day Three – Another Search for Roman Ruins
Traces of the Antonine Wall Tuesday, I decided to head back down the A82 toward Glasgow to see other Roman[...]
Day Two – Dunadd and the sites in Kilmartin Glen
Dunadd, the home of the hero Yesterday, I drove about an hour and a half down the peninsula where Argyll[...]