Darcy and Bingley (Darcy’s on the left)
I thought I’d take a moment to eulogize Darcy, who had to be put down yesterday. By my calculations, he was probably born around now two years ago. The above photo I just pulled from my blog’s archive, and it was the very first photo in it. I guess I must have set my author bio page up first. Anyway, I don’t want to dwell on it too much in this post because anyone who’s had a pet knows what it’s like and there’s no need for me to go into it here (and how wonderful he was), but it felt wrong not to mark it in some way on the blog, because he is a part of my bio, and just deleting him felt wrong. I still don’t know if Bingley will remain there or not. I’d also posted a blog post about him once, about his new-found skill in turning on a floor lamp in Kitteh Too Smart, and they’re both integral to Ack! I’m One of THOSE Now–How I Trained Myself to be a Morning Person…
This photo I also used with an agent I pitched to at RWA Nationals as my ice breaker because I knew she’d love it (and she did) and that agent later tweeted about it and was one of the ones who offered me representation.
Since my bio will change, I’m posting that paragraph here, so that it won’t just disappear into the ether:
I hate to admit it, but I do match the stereotype of a Romance writer by having cats. They are Darcy and Bingley, and they are two perfectly matched grays, how appropriate is that? Unlike their namesakes, they are brothers—a visiting cousin rescued them from a parking lot and I couldn’t resist keeping them. You actually can tell them apart–Darcy is slightly darker and hardly talks, and Bingley is a talker. Both are sweet and loving. Aptly named, no?
But this post isn’t completely self-indulgent. If you have string or thread laying around, beware! What killed Darcy was him swallowing a long length of sewing thread. Being ignorant of the dangers, when I saw it coming out of his butt, I snipped it off and waited to see if the rest passed. It didn’t. I brought him in yesterday, and when they opened him up, the thread had already wreaked havoc on his insides. The thread went from his tongue, out all the way through, and the swallowing action, plus the bowels trying to pass it, made it pull through his intestines. So the poor little guy had perforations through his intestines and colon.
Angela, I’m so sorry to hear about Darcy! He was beautiful, as is Bingley. It’s so hard to lose a pet!
It’s scary what something as simple as a piece of thread can do to a cat’s insides. Tinsel during the holidays is another danger. My cat used to like to chew on the dried grass that gets used in potted (artificial) trees. I used to pull all of it out, throw it away and replace that packing with polished stones — something he couldn’t eat!
You gave Darcy (and Bingley) a good home! I can see why you couldn’t pass up keeping them.
I try to keep the sewing and thread in a room behind closed doors but sometimes forget or have project with me . Quite often the thread has a needle attached. I do try. We had a very loveable and talkative gray cat, Quite a character. Sorry for your loss. They can twine themselves around one’s heart. Nancy
So sorry for your loss! What a beautiful cat he was. I’m sure he will live on in your memories =^.^=
Thank you! I just went to your blog and what a cool cat Bailey is. I love Siamese, they’re my family’s preferred breed, and I was convinced my kitties had some in them (their sleekness, their meows, their smarts, their shapes)
So, so sorry about Darcy, and thanks for sharing the warning.
I’m so sorry about your loss. That’s very sad.
Angela, I’m so sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is to loose a member of the family.
Angela, I am so sorry to hear about Darcy. I absolutely know the heartache associated with the loss of a beloved cat — and I’m sure Bingley is feeling it too, bless his heart (give him some extra love) — And thanks for the warning. I am always worried about things like that when I sew; have become anal about ensuring all pins and needles are in a screw-top jar… but hadn’t considered the damage of loose threads lying about. I will now!
Sending sympathetic good thoughts your way —
Angela, I’m heartbroken for you. This must be so hard. Thank you for sharing this warning. Hopefully it will save kitty lives. Bless you, and prayers for you.
Angela, I’m sorry for your loss. 🙁 Thank you for sharing this information with us. Rest in peace, Darcy.
Oh how awful for you! I am so sorry 🙁
So sorry for your loss, Angela. It’s always hard when you have to say goodbye. Good memories help. Thanks for the warning, too.
Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry. I know lots of people let their cats play with yarn and thread/strings. I never would have thought something like this would happen. My thoughts are with you.
I’m so sorry for your loss. Cats may not be as obviously affectionate as dogs, but somehow they become family pretty quick. Take care.
I so sorry about Darcy. It’s amazing how those little creatures find their way into our hearts. Good memories, hold them tight. My Yoda is part Siamese and grey too. I know for sure his mommy is Siamese, but the only cue in Yoda is his extra digit.