Six Sentence Sunday – 11/25/12

Welcome to #SixSunday! For my American friends, I hope you had a happy and safe Thanksgiving holiday! I will be traveling back today, but hope to visit everyone either before I leave or after I return.

Today’s Six Sunday I’m continuing with my upcoming release, BEER AND GROPING IN LAS VEGAS due out December 19. We’re skipping ahead to later. Riley is with his blind date having dinner and they’re getting along well. Riley’s the first to talk and we’re in Riley’s POV:

Their conversation meandered to the endless Hollywood remakes. “My theory on the whole thing is…Well, it’s…Jeez, what’s the alcohol content of this beer anyway?” He peered at the frosted mug as if it were stenciled on the glass.

“Spit it out, Miss Anne Elk.”

His head jerked up. A Monty Python fan?

About BEER AND GROPING IN LAS VEGAS. Official blurb and cover:

Can a djinn and a magic slot machine bring two geeks together?

Riley McGregor is a geek trapped in a Good Ole Boy body and as owner of a microbrewery, smart chicks never look at him twice.

Rejected by a geek who wanted to “trade up,” Mirjam Linna would rather immerse herself in work than be the girlfriend-of-the-moment. Stranded in a Vegas hotel, she accidentally makes a wish—a night of hot sex with the man of her dreams. It’s granted. She agrees to dinner, but afterward, she’ll say thanks, but no thanks, and see what’s on the SyFy channel. But when they meet, they’re surprised to find they had a shared connection in their past. Sparks fly as these two learn to be in the moment, be themselves and find love.

Fans of Star Trek, Star Wars, Monty Python, Firefly and Marvin the Martian will enjoy this romantic comedy.

To see snippets from others who are participating or to sign up yourself, visit here.

Thank you to everyone who comes by and comments each week! 

22 Replies to “Six Sentence Sunday – 11/25/12”

  1. I wouldn’t have thought of something as nutty as Monty Python to help bring people together. Really like your sense of humor, Angela, in all the snippets of this I’ve seen so far.

  2. that’s cute that you took it from real life. I do that too. I intend reading this on my laptop on a plane over my holidays. I sure hope can get a pdf version cause I don’t have an ereader..let me know eh?

  3. I sheepishly confess I had to look up the Anne Elk reference. I knew the sketch but the name escaped me – probably too busy laughing! Love the way you worked the reference in here.

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