Weekend Grab Bag – From Writing Tips to a Star Wars Call Me Maybe

Song playing right now on my playlist: “Walk Like an Egyptian,” by Bangles

NEWS: I’m heading to the RWA Conference on Tuesday, so there will be no Six Sunday tomorrow, or Monday Hunk, or Grab Bag. I don’t expect to resume normal blogging until August 1. I hope to do some sort of live blogging of the conference, but not sure how that will pan out, so we’ll see!

Writing and the Writing Life:

Romance Writing


In Geekdom:

  • And I’ll leave you with this (h/t The Nerdist):
    [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBM7i84BThE]

14 Replies to “Weekend Grab Bag – From Writing Tips to a Star Wars Call Me Maybe”

  1. Have a fabulous time at RWA!! I’m going to miss you Sunday for sure, but I’m looking forward to your report when you return. The Outlander news is pretty awesome, if possible I just fell for Nathan more and Zach, awwww
    For a dance performance I’d say break a leg, what do you say to a writer? Whatever it is I say it to you, Angela. Have a blast.

  2. LOL! I’d heard about the charity kiss, but hadn’t seen the video. Too funny!

    Yes, that’s too bad about the Monday Hunk posts, but I understand your concern. I don’t want to have to shut down my Pinterest. 🙁

    Ack! I’m getting so excited and stressed and nervous about RWA. I’m so glad we’ll be there together. 🙂

    And thanks for the link!

    1. Am strangely not nervous yet, but am excited! I think it’s just too big and my mind’s shunted off my nerves from overload or something. Almost done incorporating your Beta notes to MLB! woohoo! I have one agent researched, need to do the others. Laundry just finished, and I need to iron and pack. and do my nails. Okay, now I’m starting to freak.

  3. Angela, that is WONDERFUL that you’re going to the conference! Squeeeee!!!

    I hope to see you at either the RWA-WF mini conference (the one I’m going to) or in the bar when I’m shuttling Kristen Lamb back and forth. If you tweet me, and you’re in a public area, I’ll find you. 🙂

    Thanks for the link to the Eating on the Cheap post at WITS. That’s always and important thing for people after they spend so much money to go.

  4. It’s funny b/c as soon as I came to your site, before I read your new post, I was like, “She has a new look and where are all her Monday Hunks??!!” Too bad about that . . . I also read the photo post. Seems like it’s working its way around the blogosphere, which is a very good thing. I’d seen the Star Wars Call Me Maybe last Monday and immediately thought this would be in your grab bag, lol! And now I for sure love Nathan even more–what a classy guy! Good luck & have a blast at Nat’l!!!!

    1. OMG, that’s so funny about the Star Wars thing, you know me too well, LOL! And the Monday Hunks will be back–SLOWLY. Dan Stevens is back up and as I get permission for the rest they’ll reappear. It’s just a temporary pull…

      And, yup, Fillion is a class act….

  5. Angela, looking forward to hearing how the con went.

    I’ve seen references to Roni Loren’s blog post elsewhere and finally decided to read it when I saw it here. Yeah, that is scary, but totally understandable once it’s explained. If some Ultimate Internet Authority would just tell us this stuff in the beginning, innocent mistakes wouldn’t happen. LOL! Just goes to show that we need to be aware and considerate of others’ work.

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