Weekend Grab Bag – Writing Tips, Firefly Soap and General Geekiness

This week’s round-up, featuring writing tips, Austen stuff, making Browncoats clean and other geekiness.

On Writing:



For Fellow Browncoats:

  • Alliance Soap Bar – pretty shiny of these folks. They’ve taken the design of the Alliance foodstuff bars and made it into soap. Here’s their blurb: Genuine A-grade soapstuffs. Protein, vitamins, certified pure essential oils. One of these’ll wash a family for a month. Longer, if they don’t like their kids too well…
  • I don’t know what’s up with the Firefly soaps lately, but here’s another, in a different style altogether. Are they trying to tell us something? Honest, we’re not the ones that smell at Cons!

General Geek-Outness

  • Sarah & Candy at SBTB served up this awesome video yesterday, a repurposing of old floppy disc drives playing the Imperial March! Truly, I think this could go in the dictionary next to the word Geek.
  • Leave you with this I found floating around on Facebook: Why Men Shouldn’t Own Action Figures

3 Replies to “Weekend Grab Bag – Writing Tips, Firefly Soap and General Geekiness”

  1. Thanks so much for the link! And I agree that Rachelle was just trying to teach writers how to quantify their platform, which is not a bad thing in and of itself. But it’s just one more thing piling pressure on writers and making us worry that publishers (especially some marketing folk) don’t “get it.” 🙂

    I’m off to check some of your other great links now!

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