Six Sentence Sunday – 1/20/13


Welcome to #SixSunday! I can’t believe this is the second to last official SSS 🙁

Today’s Six Sunday I’m continuing with my new release, BEER AND GROPING IN LAS VEGAS now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble,  ARe, and Bookstrand!!

This is in the heroine’s POV and they’ve now moved up to her hotel suite. He came back from getting bottles of beer and hovered behind her, and she leaned against him. Their beer bottles came into play. Picking up exactly where we left off last week when she leaps onto him and they thud into the French doors:

He tore his mouth from hers. “Could you?”

“Huh?” She freed herself from the lust fog. His head tilted to the door handle. She pushed down with her heel, and he bumped it open with his back, stumbling inside backward.

Latest review:

Short stories and novellas can make me leery of wanting to give them a try because not everyone who writes one understands just how to achieve a good balance of plot, pacing and character development to fit into the page count they have.  Fortunately, this author did a great job so I ended up with an enjoyable reading experience that had me reading with a smile on my face and an ‘ah’ of satisfaction coming from my lips by the end…So, I can heartily recommend this one to those who enjoy a quirky magical contemporary Happy For Now with promise of the future romance with not a lot of time to read. —Sophia Rose at

Official blurb:

Can a djinn and a magic slot machine bring two geeks together?

Riley McGregor is a geek trapped in a Good Ole Boy body and as owner of a microbrewery, smart chicks never look at him twice.

Rejected by a geek who wanted to “trade up,” Mirjam Linna would rather immerse herself in work than be the girlfriend-of-the-moment. Stranded in a Vegas hotel, she makes a wish—a night of hot sex with the man of her dreams. It’s granted. She agrees to dinner, but afterward, she’ll say thanks, but no thanks, and see what’s on the SyFy channel. But when they meet, they’re surprised to find they had a shared connection in their past. Sparks fly as these two learn to be in the moment, be themselves and find love.

Fans of Star Trek, Star Wars, Monty Python, Firefly and Marvin the Martian will enjoy this romantic comedy.

Amazon | B&N | ARe | Bookstrand | trailer | goodreads | shelfari


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Thank you to everyone who comes by and comments each week! 

27 Replies to “Six Sentence Sunday – 1/20/13”

  1. Okay, you and this story of yours are a perfect example of why six sentences just isn’t enough! I need more! Awesome work, Angela, and congrats on the fab review! I made a promise to myself that I’m gonna read B&G in LV this week!

  2. What’s great about this six is not just the sense of humor that’s laced in between, but the realism in their motions and dialogue. This has happened and is happening somewhere right now. Fantastic.

  3. I loved the movement in this scene, it totally came to life when I read it. I’m so pleased you’re getting great reviews. This book deserves them…I need to write one up.

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