Dear Reader,

Thank you for reading Must Love More Kilts!

I hope you enjoyed Duncan and Fiona! Keep scrolling down to read my historical note about the events in the book. And if you join my mailing list for the latest news, I’ll send you deleted scenes from Must Love Breeches as a thank you! If you realllly loved it, and you’d like to join my reader group for free content and be the first to hear of news, you can join my Facebook fan group Angela’s Time-Traveling Steampunk Regency Assassins!

Want some visuals? While drafting and revising, I created a Pinterest board to help visualize and brainstorm 🙂

Did you miss Book One, which featured Isabelle’s adventures back in time? Must Love Breeches is the first book in my Must Love Time Travel series and she meets not only a hunky lord, but also historical figure Ada Lovelace.

Please feel free to reach out to me. I love to hear from readers about what they loved (or didn’t) about my books, so drop me a line if you’d like at or find me on my website or on twitter at @angelaquarles, or on my Facebook page.

Join Hearts Through Time! I and several other time travel romance authors have created a closed facebook group for readers to talk to each other about one of their fave genres: time travel romance! Join the discussion!

And now a big favor. Readers like you make it possible for writers to do what they love, spin tales! Thank you for your support. If you enjoyed Must Love More Kilts, I hope you’ll take a moment to share your enthusiasm with other readers by posting a review. Discoverability for new authors like me is a challenge and every review helps connect a reader to a book they might enjoy. I appreciate any review, positive or negative, so if you have a moment to post one, even just a line or two about what you thought of the story, on Audible or your favorite review site, I’d be grateful! The more reviews a book receives, the more other readers are willing to take a chance on a new author. It also helps a reader decide whether a book is for them or not. Regardless, I thank you for reading! If you do leave a review, send me an email at so I can personally thank you, or tweet me @angelaquarles.

Thank you!

Also by Angela Quarles

As You Wish
an erotic geek romantic comedy

Must Love Breeches
Book One in the Must Love Time Travel Series

Must Love Chainmail
Book Two in the Must Love Time Travel Series

Must Love Kilts
Book Three in the Must Love Time Travel Series

Steam Me Up, Rawley
a steampunk romance

Earning It
Book One in my romantic comedy series, Stolen Moments

Risking It
Book Two in my romantic comedy series, Stolen Moments

Historical Note

As mentioned in the note at the start of the story, there are several events stated as fact that are actually part of my alternate world for this series. The biggest, of course, is Dundee living after the famous Battle of Killiecrankie. Because I don’t believe he’d have hesitated to seize the advantage of that battle if he’d lived, I changed the resulting Battle of Dunkeld to the fictional Battle of Perth.

John “Iain Breac” MacLeod and his wife Florence were real. They were the last at Dunvegan castle to have a true Gaelic household with bards, pipers, and genealogists. Find out more here: Visitors to Dunvegan might wonder why I completely ignored the front entrance and had our couple enter through the sea gate, but that front entrance of Dunvegan was added later than the time period of the story. I did take liberties in the layout for the sake of the story. The great hall used to rise two floors and have two staircases on either end, but I invented the balcony that overlooked the hall and the path they took up to the Piper’s Gallery. I also took the liberty of assuming they’d kept a “red book” of their family’s history. Such a book did exist for Clan Donnachaidh, and as Fiona related, it was destroyed in a fire. Other clans also had one, but it’s not common. I saw the famed Fairy Flag of Dunvegan on my recent trip to Scotland, and I had Fiona do what I longed to–touch it. Supposedly the 27th chief later brought the flag to a museum curator for analysis and was told it was most likely brought back from the Mideast by crusaders, and the chief replied that he knew for a fact it was given to his clan by fairies. Apparently the curator didn’t miss a beat and said he bowed to the chief’s superior knowledge. They also had a female bard–poetess Mary MacLeod–but I took the liberty of letting her live a little longer so Fiona could see her.

The HMS Charles Galley which attacked Duncan and Fiona’s party was a real ship of the English Royal Navy. While it was only a fifth rate frigate, it would indeed have seemed “massive” to those on the Scottish galley. I took the liberty of having it in the waters around Skye, since the historical events in this book have now changed with Bonnie Dundee living after the Battle of Killiecrankie.

The Dragon’s Lick is not a real feature at that fork, but otherwise looks like described with all the river rock. A river’s shape can change over time, so itcould have, right? 🙂 And I also took liberty with the timeline of the Jacobite’s besieging Urquhart Castle, since it could have conceivably happened earlier, now that the Jacobites were winning. In our timeline, it didn’t happen until October.

Argyll’s Rising and the consequences for those involved were real enough. In fact, the leader–Archibald Campbell, 9th Earl of Argyll, whose aim was to overthrow the Catholic King James, was beheaded.

About the Author

Angela Quarles is a RWA RITA® Winner and USA Today bestselling author of time travel and steampunk romance. Her steampunk, Steam Me Up, Rawley, was named Best Self-Published Romance of 2015 by Library Journal and Must Love Chainmail won the 2016 RITA® Award in the paranormal category, the first indie to win in that category. Angela loves history, folklore, and family history. She decided to take this love of history and her active imagination and write stories of romance and adventure for others to enjoy. When not writing, she’s either working at the local indie bookstore or enjoying the usual stuff like gardening, reading, hanging out, eating, drinking, chasing squirrels out of the walls, and creating the occasional knitted scarf.

She has a B.A. in Anthropology and International Studies with a minor in German from Emory University, and a Masters in Heritage Preservation from Georgia State University. She was an exchange student to Finland in high school and studied abroad in Vienna one summer in college.